Monday, January 27, 2020

Genetic Screening: Types of Tests and Applications

Genetic Screening: Types of Tests and Applications GENETIC SCREENING AOUDUMBARI B.DESAI What is Genetic Screening? Genetic screening is a process in which DNA is tested to check if a person has any genetic indicators of diseases. It can also be defined as an experimental technique used for identification and selection of individual who possess phenotype of our interest in a mutangenized population. Thus genetic screening can also be called as phenotypic screening. It helps us to provide a better insight of functioning of gene in an individual. It has got applications in various genome project. The functioning of gene can be well determined by Forward genetic screen or Reverse genetic screen. Forward genetic screening first approaches towards the phenotype and then moves towards identifying genes i.e, genes responsible for a particular phenotype in an individual is identified. Whereas in reverse genetic screen it starts with gene or set of genes and moves towards analyzing the resultant phenotype by assaying its effect of disruption. A defined genetic background of organism being used and constant experimental procedure for identification of mutants of interest are the two key component of successful forward genetic screening. Define genetic background helps to identify and locate affected genes in mutant individual with greater efficiency (Herman .R.K, et al.,2005). Many a times genetic screening and genetic testing are considered to be a common terms, however there is difference between genetic screening and testing. Genetic screening is a technique in which set of diagnostics test are used on large number of individuals to test these individuals who are at high risk of genetic disorders and are the carriers of that specific genes, whereas genetic testing uses different laboratory test to identify the genetic status of individual. The individuals who are already suspected to be at a higher risks for a particular genetic disorder undergo the genetic testing. It is based on medical history of family or on screening tests. But the similarity between both the test is both of them undergo laboratory tests to identify the presence of specific genes which may cause genetic disorders. Genetic screening is a term that is also encountered in prenatal screening with pregnant women. Many researcher do screening on a broad spectrum in large number of people to find potential for genetic diseases. Nowadays genetic screening is also used by health insurance companies to screen the people for genetic disorders and avoid paying extra money. Genetic screening also include newborn genetic screening to identify new born who would benefit from early treatment. Reproductive genetic screening is also done to help reproductive decision making, and in this family history of the patient is checked to identify individuals who would get added benefit from additional prevention measure. Types of screening variation There are different screening variations which are used to identify genes that cause a mutants in phenotype of interest. Some of them are as follows : Enhancer Enhancer screening is used to screen an mutant individual with known genetic mutation. It can further be used to screen an individual with additional gene mutations that has its major role in biological and physiological processes. It is the mutation in one genes that causes the intensification of phenotype resulted due to mutation in another gene. The genetic enhancer screening identifies a mutations which enhance aphenotype of interest in already mutant individual. Source Synthetic interaction betweenmec-8andsym-3.(A) Themec-8; sym-3double mutant has a highly penetrant defect: the anterior tip (arrow) of the pharynx is not properly joined to the anterior tip of the body (arrowhead), and a functional mouth is not formedThe mutants also have a bulbous nose, an enlargement of the anterior-most part of the body, which is particularly evident in the example shown here. The junction of the pharynx and anterior end of the body is normal in thesym-3single mutant (B) and in themec-8single mutant (C). Suppresor It is used to identify the suppressor mutations. Suppressor mutations revert the original mutations. It can be defined as the one which suppresses the phenotype of original mutations and are the another mutations on the site of chromosome which are distinct from the mutation under study. It has an intragenic suppression and extragenic suppression. Intragenic suppression is the one in which mutation is in same gene as in original mutation.whereas if there is a mutation in different gene then it is called as extragenic suppression or intergenic suppression. Temperature sensitive It is a type of screening technique which involves performing temperature shifts to enhance a mutant shift. The organism grown at a lower temperature will have normal phenotype whereas at higher temperature the mutation in that particular gene will make it unstable. For example Lee Hartwell and Paul nurse independently carried out temperature sensitive screening to identify mutants defective in cell cycle S.cerevisiae and S.pombe. Types of Genetic Screening : Presymptomatic screening Carrier screening parental screening, newborn screening, carrier screening, forensic screening and susceptibility screening. Presymptomatic screening is used to screen the patients whose health is in danger. Carrier screening is used to carry out the analysis of individuals with a gene or a chromosome abnormality that may cause problems either for offspring or the person is carried out in healthy individuals where there can be a risk of genes harmful to offsprings or future generation. This can be done by testing of blood or tissue samples and can show the presence of a particular genetic trait, changes in chromosomes, or changes in DNA that are associated with inherited diseases in asymptomatic individuals. For example carrier screening is done for sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, duchenne muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, Huntingtons disease, and neurofibromatosis. Prenatal screening is carried out in a fetus when it is at risk for various identifiable genetic diseases or traits. It began in 1966. Newborn screening is related with the analysis of blood or tissue samples taken in early infancy in order to detect genetic diseases for which early intervention can avert serious health problems or death. Newborn screening was started in 1960 with the ability to test newborns for a rare metabolic disease, phenylketonuria (PKU). Two other examples of newborn screening are the testing of African American infants for sickle cell anemia and Ashkenazic Jews for Tay-Sachs disease. Forensic screening is used in criminal investigations it is used to to discover a genetic linkage between suspects and evidence discovered in criminal investigations. As DNA of each and every person is unique, many people are reluctant to see such information become part of any national database, which might include information not only about identity but also about proclivity toward disease or behavior. Susceptibility screening is a technique which is used to screen a selected population for genetic susceptibility to environmental hazards. It helps in the identification of workers who may be susceptible to toxic substances that are found in their workplace and may cause future disabilities. Types and Uses of Genetic Tests Source :- Norrgard.K., 2008 Purpose of genetic screening Genetic screening acts as an important tool in modern preventive medicine. It is used to confirm the diagnosis in patients with symptoms. Genetic screening also helps to advise other family members of the diagnosed patient to detect whether they also have the disease or have genetic markers for the disease even if they dont have symptoms ,and also to check whether they are carriers or are neither. It also helps in detecting when one partner is a sufferer or carrier, to test the other partner in order to advise whether their child will have the disease, be a carrier or will not have the disease. If diseases observed in both the parents, the child must inherit the disease or the genetic markers for the disease. It may happen that one parent has the disease and the other partner also has the genetic markers for it but there are no symptoms for it, therefore the child may develop the disease or alternatively may not show any symptoms during its lifetime. If one parent has the disease and the other is a carrier, in each pregnancy there is a 50:50 chance of the child inheriting the disease. In the population, screening is carried out to discover undiagnosed sufferers or those with genetic markers for the disease, to discover carriers and to aid research into the prevalence and severity of the disease and the carrier ratio. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) screening, enhanced MSAFP, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS),fetal biopsy and fetal cell sorting are some of the genetic screening tests which are currently available for pregnant women. MSAFP is a blood-screening test. It is performed at the 16-18 week gestation date and it tests for spina bifida. Enhanced MSAFP is also a similar type of blood-screening test that measures levels of certain biochemical markers to test for the presence of Downs syndrome. But the only thing is that this test only has an accuracy of 60-65%. Amniocentesis is performed at the 16-18 week of gestation. Amniocentesis uses amniotic fluid to test for chromosomal abnormalities. It is also used to find biochemical abnormalities at the genetic level, it helps in detecting up to 180 genetic disorders. CVS i.e, chorionic villus sampling screening is performed at 10-12 weeks into gestation and it uses chorion tissue f or chromosomal analysis in biochemical and DNA studies. It is not widely used because this test has a drawback of correlation to produce newborns with limb abnormalities. ).Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling, PUBS is performed after week 18 . PUBS is used only as a confirmation test based on results from previous other tests. In fetal tissues are taken for DNA testing . Fetal cell sorting includes an experimental procedure in whcich blood is taken from mother and fetal cells are tested in mothers blood. Oberle,I. D. Camerino.G, 1985 carried out genetic screening for hemophilia A(classic hemophilia) with polymorphic DNA probe. They collected blood samples after informed consent from13 families and carried out coagulation and immunologic assay. In this experiment they develop a new technique to screen the patients for hemophiliaA in the families at risk for the disease. A DNA probe (St14) that detects a very polymorphic region on the human X chromosome has been shown to be closely linked to hemophilia A. They observed that there was no recombination between the St14 locus and hemophilia A in 12 families studied. The odds in favor of linkage are 4.4 x 109to 1 (lod score, 9.65). They found that there was 0 to 6.5% probability of the 95 per cent confidence interval of a recombination between St14 and hemophilia A. This informative DNA probe which causes families in risk of hemophilia A in more than 90 per cent, can be used in conjunction with classic biologic assays to identify carriers with an accuracy of 96 per cent or more. If a small risk of misclassification due to crossover between the test and the disease loci is accepted, this DNA marker should allow first-trimester prenatal diagnosis of hemophilia A. Segregation analysis with St14 may thus represent a major improvement in genetic counseling for hemophilia A. Social dilemmas of genetic screening Though genetic screening is beneficial to society it has a got lot of controversies because by using genetic marker to check for genetic disorders is definitely beneficial to society because due to early diagnosis a preventive symptom treatment can be given by early medical assisantnce but however many a times it is observed that if a genetic disorder is detected in fetus then fetus is readily aborted. So here a controversy comes because no one has got right to end anyones life. Also many a times it happens that individuals carrying a genetic disorder or diseases are being discriminated by society or by health insurers and employers. Hence this genetic screening has brought up a new legal, social and ethical dilemmas. References Karthikeyan. M.1999, Human Genetic Screening, Norrgard.K., 2008, Medical Careers: Genetic Screening and Diagnostics, Nature Education1(1): pg no- 92 Burke.W., et al., 2011, Genetic Screening , Epidemologic reviews Oxford journal 33(1): pg no- 148–164Â

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Mormonism and Christianity :: Essay on LDS Religion

Is Mormonism Christian? This may seem like a puzzling question to many Mormons as well as to some Christians. Mormons will note that they include the Bible among the four books which they recognize as Scripture, and that belief in Jesus Christ is central to their faith, as evidenced by their official name, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Furthermore, many Christians have heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing Christian hymns and are favorably impressed with the Mormon commitment to high moral standards and strong families. Doesn’t it follow that Mormonism is Christian? To fairly and accurately resolve this question we need to carefully compare the basic doctrines of the Mormon religion with the basic doctrines of historic, biblical Christianity. To represent the Mormon position we have relied on the following well-known Mormon doctrinal books, the first three of which are published by the Mormon Church: Gospel Principles (1997), Achieving a Celestial Marriage (1976), and A Study of the Articles of Faith (1979) by Mormon Apostle James E. Talmage, as well as Doctrines of Salvation (3 vols.) by the tenth Mormon President and prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, Mormon Doctrine (2nd ed., 1979) by Mormon apostle Bruce R. McConkie and Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 1. IS THERE MORE THAN ONE TRUE GOD? The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that there is only one True and Living God and apart from Him there are no other Gods (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10,11; 44:6,8; 45:21,22; 46:9; Mark 12:29-34). By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that there are many Gods (Book of Abraham 4:3ff), and that we can become gods and goddesses in the celestial kingdom (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20; Gospel Principles, p. 245; Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 130). It also teaches that those who achieve godhood will have spirit children who will worship and pray to them, just as we worship and pray to God the Father (Gospel Principles, p. 302). 2. WAS GOD ONCE A MAN LIKE US? The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that God is Spirit (John 4:24; 1 Timothy 6:15,16), He is not a man (Numbers 23:19; Hosea 11:9; Romans 1:22, 23), and has always (eternally) existed as God — all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere present (Psalm 90:2; 139:7-10; Isaiah 40:28; Luke 1:37). By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that God the Father was once a man Mormonism and Christianity :: Essay on LDS Religion Is Mormonism Christian? This may seem like a puzzling question to many Mormons as well as to some Christians. Mormons will note that they include the Bible among the four books which they recognize as Scripture, and that belief in Jesus Christ is central to their faith, as evidenced by their official name, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Furthermore, many Christians have heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing Christian hymns and are favorably impressed with the Mormon commitment to high moral standards and strong families. Doesn’t it follow that Mormonism is Christian? To fairly and accurately resolve this question we need to carefully compare the basic doctrines of the Mormon religion with the basic doctrines of historic, biblical Christianity. To represent the Mormon position we have relied on the following well-known Mormon doctrinal books, the first three of which are published by the Mormon Church: Gospel Principles (1997), Achieving a Celestial Marriage (1976), and A Study of the Articles of Faith (1979) by Mormon Apostle James E. Talmage, as well as Doctrines of Salvation (3 vols.) by the tenth Mormon President and prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, Mormon Doctrine (2nd ed., 1979) by Mormon apostle Bruce R. McConkie and Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 1. IS THERE MORE THAN ONE TRUE GOD? The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that there is only one True and Living God and apart from Him there are no other Gods (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10,11; 44:6,8; 45:21,22; 46:9; Mark 12:29-34). By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that there are many Gods (Book of Abraham 4:3ff), and that we can become gods and goddesses in the celestial kingdom (Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20; Gospel Principles, p. 245; Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 130). It also teaches that those who achieve godhood will have spirit children who will worship and pray to them, just as we worship and pray to God the Father (Gospel Principles, p. 302). 2. WAS GOD ONCE A MAN LIKE US? The Bible teaches and orthodox Christians through the ages have believed that God is Spirit (John 4:24; 1 Timothy 6:15,16), He is not a man (Numbers 23:19; Hosea 11:9; Romans 1:22, 23), and has always (eternally) existed as God — all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere present (Psalm 90:2; 139:7-10; Isaiah 40:28; Luke 1:37). By contrast, the Mormon Church teaches that God the Father was once a man

Saturday, January 11, 2020


It gets far too complicated to keep tabs on all four. I also recommend that traders choose one of the majors because the spread is the best and they are the most liquid. I personally follow only USED/CHEF because it moves the most every day. Foundation #2: Follow and understand the daily Force News and Analysis of the professional currency analysts. Even though this system is based solely on technical analysis of charts, it is important to get a birds-eye view of the currency markets and the news that affects the prices.It Is also Important that you know and understand what the key technical ‘support' predicted level to buy (where currency pair should move up on the charts), resistance s a predicted level to sell (where the currency pair should move down on the charts). Fortunately, all the best Force news and analysis is offered free on the Internet. Here is what you should do first: *While you are reading the daily news and technical analysis, write down on a piece of paper w hat direction the analysts are saying about the major currency pair you are following and the key support and resistance levels for the day. A. Go to foreknows. Mom and you will find rah news and analysis on the spot FAX markets. The site will give you the big picture of how the economic calendar ND central banks affect the currency markets. A great resource. B. Then go to festered. Com and click on the ‘Top Force Reports'. Here there is a wonderful listing of all the major daily currency analysis and forecasts with support and resistance and direction forecasts. C. Click on currency. Com and go to ‘Today's Market Research' and there you will find more excellent analysis on the Major Currency pairs. Another great Force Portal. D. Wry. Monterey. Com E. Free Force trading forum: www. Respiratory. Net F. Comprehensive listing of everything, related to the Force Markets: www. Engorge. Com/resource/glossary. SP Foundation #3: Only get into a trade when the FPS technical indic ators say when. Always trade with stop losses! It is important when you are trading Force, to be disciplined and to stick to a plan. Don't Just trade your ‘gut' feeling. Use the technical indicators outlined and always enter in stop losses on every trade. Foundation #4: Practice makes perfect. As they say, there is no substitute for hard work and diligence. Practice this system on a demo account and pretend the virtual money is your own real money.Do not open a live trading account until you are profitable trading on a demo account. Stick to the plan and you can be successful. Foundation #5: Trade with a DISCIPLINED Plan: The problem with many traders is that they take shopping more seriously than trading. The average shopper would not spend $400 without serious research and examination of the product he is about to purchase, yet the average trader would make a trade that could easily cost him $400 based on little more than a â€Å"feeling† or â€Å"hunch. † Be s ure that you have a plan in place BEFORE you start to trade.The plan must include stop and limit levels for the trade, as your analysis should encompass the expected downside as well as the expected upside. Foundation #6: Cut your losses early and Let your Profits Run: This simple concept is one of the most difficult to implement and is the cause of most traders demise. Most traders violate their predetermined plan and take their profits before reaching their profit target because they feel uncomfortable sitting on a profitable position. These same people will easily sit on losing positions, allowing the market to move against them for hundreds of points in hopes that the market will come back.In addition, traders who have had their stops hit a few times only to see the market go back in heir favor once they are out, are quick to remove stops from their trading on the losing more then a predetermined amount! The mistaken belief is that every trade should be profitable. If you can ge t 3 out of 6 trades to be profitable then you are doing well. How then do you make money with only half of your trades being winners? You simply allow your profits on the winners to run and make sure that your losses are minimal.Foundation #7: Do not marry your trades The reason trading with a plan is the #1 tip is because most objective analysis is done before the trade is executed. Once a trader is in a position he/she tends to analyze the market differently in the â€Å"hopes† that the market will move in a favorable direction rather than objectively looking at the changing factors that may have turned against your original analysis. This is especially true of losses. Traders with a losing position tend to marry their position, which causes them to disregard the fact that all signs point towards continued losses. Foundation #8: Do not bet the farm Do not over trade.One of the most common mistakes that traders make is leveraging their account too high by trading much larger sizes than their account should prudently trade. Leverage is a double-edged sword. Just because one lot (100,000 units) of currency only requires $1000 as a minimum margin deposit, it does not mean that a trader with $5000 in his account should be able to trade 5 lots. One lot is $100,000 and should be treated as a $100,000 investment and not the $1000 put up as margin. Most traders analyze the charts correctly and place sensible trades, yet they tend to over leverage themselves.As a consequence of this, they are often forced to exit a position at the wrong time. A good rule of thumb is to never use more than 10% of your account at any given time. Trading strategy: TRENDS Trend is simply the overall direction prices are moving UP, DOWN, OR FLAT. The direction of the trend is absolutely essential to trading and analyzing the market. In the Foreign Exchange (FAX) Market, it is possible to profit from UP and Down movements, because of the buying and selling of one currency and against the other currency e. G. Buy US Dollar Sell Japanese Yen ex. Up Trend chart. SUPPORT Price supports are price areas where traders find that it is difficult for market prices to penetrate lower. Buying interest in the dollar is strong enough to overcome. Selling interest in the dollar keeping prices at a sustained level. RESISTANCE Resistance is the opposite of support and represents a price level where Selling Interest overcomes Buying interest and advancing prices are turning back. 3 50% Retrenchment. There are also 33% and 66% Retrenchments. 4 5 Step 1: Prepare your charts The Force Profit System uses 2 technical indicators to show you when you should enter and exit a trade.These are called the Parabolic SARA and the Exponential Moving Average 10, 25 and 50. A. Setup a 60 minute USED/CHEF chart. This is my favorite currency pair to trade because it swings up and down the most. You can choose any major pair you like though. B. Choose Parabolic SARA as an indicator. Click on displa y when it shows you the . 02 and . 2 acceleration factor and constant. C. Choose Moving Averages, Exponential 10, 25 and 50. D. Click on Exponential, then enter 10 in the Period box, then K E. You should have the Parabolic SARA and the three Ma's 10, 25 and 50 in different colors on your charts.Step 2: When to Enter and Exit your Trades This is what your chart should look like. These are the FPS indicators that I use to trade. The EMMA 10 should be in pink, the EMMA 25 should be in yellow, and the EMMA 50 should be in blue. The Parabolic SARA is charted with dots above and below the line. When to ENTER a trade The FPS indicators tell you when to get into a trade when the EMMA ten crosses the 25 and the 50. If the ten crosses the 25 and 50 up from the bottom, you enter your trade ‘long and ‘buy.If the 10 cross the 25 and 50 down from the top you go ‘short' and ‘sell'. Make sure that when you get into your trade that the Parabolic SARA is on the bottom when you go long and on the top when you go short. In the example above, on October 1 5th, there was a great opportunity to go long on the USED/CHEF pair, where I circled and labeled enter. Notice how the EMMA 10 crossed up the 25 and 50 and the Par SARA was on the bottom. *If you are trading the hourly charts like in the above example, make sure that the 15 min charts Parabolic SARA is going the same way.Simply click on the arrow beside the 60 min and change it to 15 min and your studies will automatically adjust to the new time frame. Never trade against the 15 min Parabolic SARA! When to EXIT a trade 6 The best time to exit a trade is when the price crosses back down through all 3 Ma's USED/CHEF on the 20th crossed back down all three indicators where I circled EXIT. If o held this position all week, you could have made a 275 pip profit. With 1 lot traded on a standard account this would have been approximately $1780. 00 in profit. With 2 lots–$3560! A mini account would have prof ited you $178 and $356 respectively.If you profited 275 pips with ERR/USED or GAP/USED you would have made approximately $10 per pip, which you would have made $2750 with one lot and $5500 with 2 lots traded. Not bad for one week! Where to Set the Stop Loss When you open a demo account you will find on the online trading platform that you will always be able to enter a stop order level that will automatically stop out your read at the level you set, or a limit order that will close your position at your desired profit level. Using the FPS means that you should always set your level Just below the EMMA 50.As your position moves in the right direction, you should move your stop accordingly. Then if your position moves against you, you would have locked in your profits by moving up your stop order. It is important that if the prices cross back over the 10, 25 and 50 that you close your position. Here is an example of how the FPS works on the 15 min charts: Using the FPS on the 15 min c harts is more volatile, but it will give you more trades on n intra-day basis. On the example above you could have sold the USED/CHEF ‘short' at 1. 5060 and closed your position at 1. 000 for a 60 pip profit. One note of caution trading the 15 min charts: there are often times when the price will Whipsaw' back and forth, up and down through the 10,25 and 50 moving averages. If this happens soon after you entered a trade, close your position and wait till the moving averages fan out and the Parabolic SARA signals strong. 7 ‘Scalp' Trading the Min Charts System Scalp trading is when you use the 1 to 5 min charts to ‘scalp' small profits. These trades usually only last a few minutes to an hour. You can use the FPS to scalp trade Force on the 1 min charts.Here is how: Instead of using the 10, 25, 50 Ma's like we did in the above examples, put on the 25, 50 and 100 Ma's. Often it is best to scalp trade at the London Open (3:MAMA EST) or the New York open (8:00 AM EST) b ecause that is generally when the currency pairs will start to move more in one direction. When the actual price crosses all three indicators, you enter your trade, long or short. If the price crosses down through the 100 EMMA, enter short, if the price crosses up through the 100 EMMA go long. Make sure that you book a 5-10 pip profit.That is a $50-$100 dollar profit on a regular account, and more if you bought more lots. Don't try to hang on to you winning position too long, because the price can whipsaw back and you can lose. Take your 510 pip profit as soon as you can. Here is an example on the 1 min charts: price crossed up through the 100 EMMA and at 10:45 you could have closed your position (little circle) and made a 10 pip profit. Then again the price crossed back down the 100 EMMA at 1 1 EST. You could have sold the Yen short (big circle) and then ten minutes later made another 10 pip profit. Little circle) The Setup: Open up your trading platform and open a chart. Set the i nstrument to the currency pair of your choice. Set the chart pattern to filled candle. Set the timeshare to 30 minutes Set up a moving average line in your indicators menu. -set period to 11 days Now that you have your chart setup properly, go ahead and set up your normal indicators that you use for reassurance and entrance/exit, etc. I use an MAC, a volume indicator, and Bollixing bands, but everyone has their own theory on what works and why, and everyone has a reason why your indicators don't work when they seem to work Just fine for you!Now before I explain what you are doing with this setup I loud like you to set up the chart as I have indicated, and take a good solid look at the history of the data. Do you see any telltale signs yet, or have a clue as to what the point of the setup is yet? If you do not, do not worry or feel inferior, as this has slipped past some of the best. I happen to be great with numbers and have a strong background in analysis, so I was able to pick up on this trend mostly by dumb luck but good fortune and a keen eye for detail. Now that you have stared at your screen looking for it, I'll explain myself.What you are looking for is the moving average line, or herein referred to as the MA, that you et up on your chart to cross through the price line. You are probably saying to yourself, â€Å"This happens like every hour or so, what gives? â€Å". Well, it does happen fairly often, maybe not that drastically, but it does. The key point is where the MA crosses the price line. You don't need to worry or care about it crossing the thin peaks of the high/low lines on the candle, but you want to concentrate on it crossing through the middle of the wide, filled part of the candle, the openness prices.And further yet, it must cross in around the middle of this center section. If it crosses at the top or OTTOMH of the candle centre area, than you can pretty much disregard the trade. It may be profitable, but not worth the risk. Stick with the center of the central region and you will be much safer. Now, when the MA indeed crosses the price line through the centre of the central wide part of the candle, a trade signal is triggered. You should try and wait at least on the radar and its not about to recant its previous move.The chart is set to the 30 minute timeshare, so generally wait 30 minutes or so, unless the market suddenly takes a quick shift in that direction. Then you can open the position to catch the wing. Now to determine direction. If the MA moves from above the price line to below it, the trade is going to be long. And likewise, if the MA moves through the candle from below the price line, the trade will be short. This can be verified by checking your indicators that you have set up to corroborate with your MA.To better clarify this direction idea, if after the cross the price is below the MA, the price is most likely dropping or SHORT. If the after the cross the price is above the MA, the price is consid ered to be rising and the trade is LONG. Another important factor to consider. While an MAC is a great too to determine market direction and activity, in this case it helps to build on the strength of the trend that we are pointing out here. If the MA crosses the price line from above to below, so that the trade we have forecasted is long, we can compare this with the MAC.If the MAC average lines are above the zero line, then you can expect a large climb. If the trade was reported as short, and the average lines on the MAC screen were below the zero line, you could expect to a see a rather large drop. When I say large drop or gain, I am speaking of 75, 100, 150 point gains. This is not to say that if, n a long trade for instance, the average lines on the MAC are BELOW the zero that you will NOT see a gain. It generally will provide a gain, but of 20, 30, or maybe even 50 points. Where you exit the trade is up to you and how much you can tolerate and are willing to risk.If you feel c omfortable taking 30 points and are okay with yourself if it does end up going to 150 points above your buy price, then good for you. If you are a thrill-seeker and go for the 150, I wish you all the best of luck! You may or may not need it. That's it! It's Just that simple! If you move back through the history of the chart and kook at when and where the MA crosses the price line, you can see for yourself that it seems to catch every big movement, and almost all of the smaller ones. This set can be used on the minute chart for mid-term trades and further yet on the daily chart for longer term setups.Make sure that you are using your regular technical indicators to monitor market activity and ensure the trade is on target. If you are looking to enter a short and your MAC says long, or the 30 minute chart is oversold, you are asking for trouble. You need checks and balances with any system to eliminate as much of the margin of error as possible. The Force Profit System is specifically designed for use with the 1, 5 or 10 minute charts, with the goal of taking 5-20 pip profits per trade?closing bad trades out using tight stops, or hedging any losing trades.The following steps will show you how to do this. Set up your charts: USED (or whatever currency pair you like) , 5 min, line and the chart will appear on the right hand side. Maximize the chart to fill the right hand side. Now if you want to make the price line darker, you can right click right on the price line and a properties box will appear. You can adjust the thickness of the line. Now we will add the Moving Averages to the chart. We will be using the Exponential Moving Average 10, the Bollixing Band Exponential Set at 20, and the Exponential Moving Average 50.Click on Moving Average on the left hand side under Studies. Set your first MA to 10, close, exponential and you can make it red with line width 2 under the Color/Style Tab. Click on Moving Average again and add your MA 50, close, exponential and ma ke this line blue with line width 2. Now we will add 3 more indicators below the chart to help us confirm the trend, and to help us identify exact entry and exit buy or sell signals. The following indicators give us insight into the momentum, direction and overbought/sold indicators.Used along with the Exponential Moving Averages, Parabolic SARA and Bollixing Bands?these indicators can be very helpful to the day trader. MAC Histogram. Read about how to trade the MAC Histogram here: http:// www. Incredibleness. Com/technical/Mac_histogram. HTML Relative Strength Index (RSI) Read about how to trade the RSI here: http://www. Incredibleness. Com/technical/ relative_strength_index. HTML Slow Stochastic Read about how to trade the Slow Stochastic here: http://www. Incredibleness. Com/ technical/slow_stochastic. Tm Now add these studies to your charts.Under Studies click on MAC Histogram and use the default settings (9,Exponential, 12, 26, Close, Exponential) and set the line width to 2. Y our study will automatically open under your chart. Under Studies click on Relative Strength Index and set it to 14 and set the line width to 2. Your study will automatically open under your chart. Under Studies click on Slow Stochastic and set it to (533, Exponential) and make the %K line blue with line width 2, and the %D line red with line width 2. Your chart, with all the studies on it should now look like this (example of USED/CAD 10 in chart): I clicked on the zoom in button a couple of times. *tip: If you are in a winning trade, you can move your stop to your entry level, so that if your trade moves against you, the platform closes your position without any losses. **tip: You should be comfortable setting your stop Order at 15-20 pips. If you can't handle a 15-20 pip loss, then you are need to trade smaller amounts. This will help you from over leveraging your trading account. Limit Order: Is a price you enter into an open position for the trading platform to automatically cl ose your position at a profit. For example, you might set your limit order at a 15 pip profit.If the exchange rate never hits that level, then the Order doesn't get filled. We will be looking at 3 different ways to day trade the Force Markets. In a trading session, you may look for 1 or more of these approaches. The 3 techniques are as follows: Trade the Breakout Trade the Trend Trading Tops and Bottoms Micro Trading Before we look at these trading approaches, let's answer a question that is often asked by new traders. When is the best time to trade? Because the Force Market is open rash a day, and traded on a global scale, the question to ask is, When should I trade?.The good news is that no matter what time zone or hemisphere you live in globally, there are always good opportunities to trade. The three major trading ‘sessions' are as follows (all in Eastern Standard Time): 1 . New York open 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 2. Japanese/Australian open 7:00 PM to 3:00 AM 3. London open 3:00 AM to 8:00 AM **Often, the best times to trade is at the beginning 3-5 hours of the above mentioned opening times, because the major currency pairs tend to move the most in a particular direction. The first Transformed. Com trading technique we will look at is he easiest to recognize on the charts.We will call it ‘Trade the Breakout'. You can use the 5, 10 or 15 minute charts for this method. The indicators on the 5 minute charts are the fastest. Practice until you feel comfortable with the time frame that suits you best. 1. Trade the Breakout The principle behind trading the breakout is to enter a trade when the price ‘breaks out' of a tight range, because often it tends to keep moving in the same direction. We use our Bollixing Bands on our charts to spot this trading opportunity. The second Transformed. Com trading technique uses the same principles, but is less extreme.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Violence on Television Essay - 1833 Words

quot;There was murderers going around killing lots of people and stealing jewelry.quot; This quote comes from the mouth of an eight year old girl after watching the evening news on television. The eight year old girl claims that she is afraid quot;when there is a murder near because you never know if he could be in townquot; (Cullingford, 61). A recent report from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) pools evidence from over 2,500 studies within the last decade on over 100,000 subjects from several nations to show that the compiled evidence of televisions influence on behavior is so quot;overwhelmingquot; that there is a consensus in the research community that quot;violence on television does lead to aggressive†¦show more content†¦The media argument that high ratings correspond with the publics best interest is simply not valid. Even the American Medical Association agrees that the quot;link between televised violence and later aggressive behavior warrants a major organized cry of protest from the medical professionquot; (Palmer, 122). The issue of the publics infatuation with television can be paralleled with that of a young child and his desire for candy and quot;junk foods.quot; The child enjoys eating such foods, though they produce the harmful effects of rotting away at his teeth. With a parent to limit his intake of such harmful sweets, however, the child is protected from their damage. Similarly, the American public desires to view violent programs at the risk of adapting induced aggressive behaviors. Because the networks refuse to act as a quot;mother,quot; and to limit the amount of violence shown on television, there are no restrictions to prevent televisions violent candy from rotting away at the teeth of society. Harry Skornia claims that quot;it is naive and romantic to expect a corporation to have either a heart of a soul in the struggle for profits and survivalquot; (34). But who, then, is to take responsibility for the medias actions if not the industry itself? Because there has not been any sufficient answers to this question so far,Show MoreRelatedTelevision : Violence And Television1187 Words   |  5 Pages Violence and television We live in a society where violence is globalized through films and advertisements. The individual American is exposed to 200,000 advertisements in a day, where Hollywood films portray violence as entertainment and fun, films where bullies and gangs stand out as role models, on the other hand, Hollywood is the main reason kids think, violence is cool and fun. Growing up in a home where I was the youngest boy child in the family. I grew up watching television with myRead MoreTelevision Violence1499 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Who should be responsible for Television Violence? Composition II Who should be responsible for Television Violence? Can we afford to continue ignoring the connection between television violence and the increase in mass murders? The answer is no. We have to take a stance now and fight for stricter regulations by the government and the Federal Communications Committee (FCC). Television has been associated with influencing controversial acts since the beginning of its creationRead MoreViolence on Television Essay1341 Words   |  6 PagesViolence on Television Most people in our society generally have the opinion that violence on television increases aggression in children and adolescents. Does it ? Who is to say whether television has a positively direct effect or a positive correlation ? However, the majority of the people who have researched this topic have discovered that violence on television is indeed one of the prime factors contributing to the increase in violent and aggressive behavior among the youth in societyRead More Violence On Television Essay1023 Words   |  5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The issue of television violence and its influence on children’s behavior troubles me. Television violence seems to be becoming abundant and violence seems to be increasing. This may be a dangerous form of entertainment, especially when young children become involved. The majority of television programs viewed by children contain large amounts of violence and inappropriate material. Children’s vulnerability poses as the main problem due to desensitization. Psychologists’Read MoreViolence And Sex On Television898 Words   |  4 Pages Violence and Sex on Television: Effects on the Younger Audience In today’s society, the media is used greatly for communication, advertisement, information, and for numerous other reasons. The world has evolved by technological advances as well as by the type of content that is put out on the internet, radio, and especially on television. In particular, violence and sex are two of the most controversial content types that have been recently used loosely in the present as compared to theRead MoreEssay Television Violence627 Words   |  3 PagesTelevision Violence Violence is one of the most primary and controversial issues in today’s society. And true that violence is on the rise. A major concern for many parents is the violence within television shows and movies, and the effect on children’s aggression. I particularly do not believe that violence in television affects children’s aggression, but who am I to say such a thing, for I am not a qualified psychologist. But I have many reasons for my accusation and references to back itRead MoreThe Portrayal Of Television Violence1040 Words   |  5 PagesQianrui Luo Dr. Jason Loviglio MCS 400 Project Outline The Portrayal of Television Violence in the U.S. Programs and Its Impact on Viewers Introduction Over the past one three decades, there have been cases of increased child violence as well as adult conflicts. Many theories have been developed to explain this growing trend in the society. Media violence has been one of the factors considered. There has been continuous research with regards to the relationship that exists between media violence’sRead More Television Violence Essay1326 Words   |  6 PagesTelevision Violence On April 20, 1999, a tragic event took place in an environment where children should feel safe. At Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, twelve students and one teacher were tragically gunned down by two boys, one seventeen years old, and one eighteen years old. Recently in Michigan, a first grader brought a gun to school and shot and killed a fellow classmate. These tragedies can be seen as a result of many different factors, such as violence in the home, accessRead More Television Violence Essay3780 Words   |  16 Pages Television violence and its effects on viewers has been a controversial issue for many years. Some viewers believe that there is an increasingly large amount of violence on television and this widespread public concern has quot;led to calls for stricter controls on the depiction of violence in programmesquot; (Gunter and McAleer 1990:92). Exactly how much violence is there on television though? Many cultivation theorists have studied this, acquiring data in the form of content analysis. TheyRead MoreEssay on Violence in Television1916 Words   |  8 Pages When families sit down to watch television, they expect to watch family type of shows. Family type shows meaning rated PG or PG13, sitcoms and movies that do not include weapons, killing, foul language, and non-socially accepted actions. When children killing, they start to believe that it is accepted. Do children think that killing and hurting others and themselves have little meaning to the real life, children can become traumatized. Most killers or violators of the law blame their behavior on